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[Sheflug] Re: Linux in the glossy mags.

Dear All

Will Newton wrote:

 > Interestingly, one of the consultants/trainers mentioned is also a
> > Microsoft Certified Trainer (errm - dunno how hard it is to meet the
> > criteria though), which translates to him being well-poised to give
> > advice on matters Linux and MS.
> Dunno about MCT, but MCSE is pretty easy to get hold of, but not
> cheap. Everything from the books to the exams seems to have some kind of
> MS tax on it so it costs twice as much as necessary.

Some years ago I did have an MS bit of paper.  However, it vanished
one night without any explanation of where it went to.  So, ever since
then I haven't bothered to do anything about it.  The records for the
certificate were changed as well.  So, no proof of ownership.

The colossal price of MS exams is such that I think it's better to
spend the money on a University degree in technology rather than throw
it away on MCSE or something similar.  I also get the feeling that
RHCE isn't really much better much as I would like to say otherwise.

Oh yes, there's some interesting stuff in the trade paper this week. 
Unfortunately ICL have had some bad figures and things don't look
good.  I'll send some more stuff about other things in the paper later
on...  www.vnunet.com/News



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