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[Sheflug] Latest Stuff

Richard writes:
 > Dear All
 > Got this from the SuSE list.  Thought you might like to have a
 > look......
 > http://satirewire.com/news/0101/linux_quit.shtml
This is already my favourite Microsoft quote of the Year...

  "the recent security problems with Linux ... really call into
question whether Linux should be used at all."

*Scratches head* *Cough, splutter*

I can only assume our esteemed friend at Microsoft is talking about
things like the Ramen worm that affects systems that had patches
available for them 6 months (plus) ago?
I'm sure I saw mentioned on Security Portal that CERT didn't even
bother issuing an advisory against Ramen, they considered it such a
minor issue. I dunno, haven't actually checked, so don't quote me on
that :-)

Actually whilst ranting about security, I see BIND has yet another
problem. I'm sooo glad I'm using djbdns...

Other than these two, I haven't heard anything other than the
background level of patches and the like coming from the vendors.

Anyway, this coming from a company who seem to have a great deal of
trouble keeping their corporate websites, let alone customers machines
running for more than a week :-)

The report Microsoft commisioned to test Win98 vs NT4 vs Win2k for
uptimes was quite nice. We admit 98 and NT don't run all that well,
but we've noticed everyone is defecting to other more stable systems -
and we are trying to improve things...

This article is rather entertaining. Thanks for sharing it with us

Just as an aside, XEmacs rocks!

I've finally settled down and *read* the various menus and customized
the faces and fonts, and it looks oh, so nice, and does the job.
I've found a program called getmail which is to Qmail what fetchmail
is to Sendmail - so it's all going rather nicely.

That's most of the computing bits sorted for this week...just need to
find a job now.
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