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[Sheflug] Books from Paul Miller

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Ibbotson <richard [at] sheflug.co.uk> writes:

    Richard> Dear all I've got some books from Paul Miller at
    Richard> www.shu.ac.uk.  He wants us to pass them on to someone
    Richard> who might want to use them.  So, if you see anything you
    Richard> like below please say so and we'll find a way to get them
    Richard> to you.  The main plan is to hand them out at the next
    Richard> meeting on January the 5th.  The books are either real
    Richard> books or books that Paul has printed out with a laser
    Richard> printer........

I thought I'd jump in quick on this one :-)

How much are the books I've listed below going for?
Since I'm a little outside of the Sheffield area, I'll obviously cough
up for the P&P too.

Effective AWK Programming - by Arnold D. Robbins
Common LISP - by David S. Touretsky
Programming in Emacs LISP - Robert J. Chassell



Barrie J. Bremner		OpenPGP public key ID: F78CEE08
baz [at] barriebremner.com	http://barriebremner.com/


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