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RE: SMP in Linux

You wrote:

> it's not the distro it's the kernel which provides smp. Check the smp 

Indeed, I know. I was meaning if the userland supported SMP
or do I have the irritation of make world and other dead chicken
waving to get userland working with SMP. BSD went through
a period in early 3.0 of having to do a make world to get
utils such as ps, top, perfmon/xload to report numbers that
were on this planet. Post 3.2 all such utils ran happily
irrespective of SMP/!SMP. As make world takes 6 hours for
all my sources on a K6-2 400, I'd rather not have to do it
when I've got analysis of cardiac flow patterns to complete.

> support in 2.2.14 then look what's coming in 2.4. VA Research have a 
1> heavily hacked Redhat which provides support foir more than the 
usual no. of > CPUs but this probably won't outgun 2.4.

I'll settle for just 2 processors for the moment ;). I just need
bare bones - SMP, gcc and some X utils, all the rest are my
own src (well apart from BLAS/LAPACK).


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