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Re: Stupid question #476 - how to untar

----- Original Message -----
From: Barrie Bremner <TheEnglishman [at] ecosse.net>
To: <sheflug [at] vuw.ac.nz>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 4:02 AM
Subject: Stupid question #476 - how to untar

>  tried `tar -x file.tar` but it just seems to hang...

the most common options are:

 -x to extract an archive
 -z to decompress the archive (if it ends in tar.gz or .tgz rather than just
 -f to specify the input file (last option)


tar -xzf myfile.tar.gz

will decompress myfile.tar.gz

The reason it appeared to hang was because without the -f option it assumed
it was taking it's input from a pipe/the console not from a file so it jus
sat there waiting for data.

If you can't do it well - learn to enjoy doing it badly

Andrew Basterfield
MEng Electronic & Communication Engineering Undergraduate
The University of Sheffield, England
Tel. 0114 222 9999 ex. 53198

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