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Re: [Sheflug] ShefLUG - May/June 2008 Meeting

Forwarded from ben@xxxxxxxxxxxx after Mailman ate it....


>It's sad about the teachers really. The technicians are completely
>different though, and we see them playing with Linux in their spare
>time (whenever wheire not resetting someone's password =3D)). Our IT
>teachers are openly hostile about it, and literally do ban you from
>going into the IT rooms for just mentioning it. It's like Microsoft
>have brainwashed them. When you ask them why they don't use Linux,
>they either say ' because their is no support', or they tell you to
>**** off and play with that rubbish in your own time. Honestly.

Yes.  That's mostly typical of British culture.  I've spent the past
five years travelling around world the writing stuff for magazines and
visiting people like Professor Stakem...


In just about any other country the Linux desktop is known about and
used.  In England you get censored if you mention it.  Well, not quite
but it's nearly as bad as that.  There are times in this country when
I've kept my mouth shut rather than give a simple answer which is

Roll on Christmas..... won't be long now .....


        Sheffield Linux User's Group
 GNU - The choice of a complete generation