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Re: [Sheflug] ShefLUG - May/June 2008 Meeting

Bob Mottram wrote:

> One gentle way to deal with these knuckle dragging MS fanboys is to
> ask them if they ever use Google.  If they do they're using open
> source, and Google is not a small or unsuccessful company :-)

They are probably *using* it in the networking stack of Windows.
However they aren't benefiting from it in either Google *or* the Windows 
networking stack.

It is crucial to recognise the difference between whether they actually 
have any freedom from using something which is licenced in this way or 
whether they would have the same amount of freedom if they used Live Search.


If each of us have one object, and we exchange them, then each of us
still has one object.
If each of us have one idea, and we exchange them, then each of us now
has two ideas.   -  George Bernard Shaw

        Sheffield Linux User's Group
 GNU - The choice of a complete generation